29|Left Out

939 31 11

TYPE: floof


corbyn sighed as his father took care of his baby brother. he stood up and jogged upstairs. his dad let him down once again. corbyn couldn't be too mad though. he knew jonah was doing everything he could after his mom left, but he still felt disappointed.

he sat on his bed and tossed a baseball into the air.

"corbyn!" he stood up and raced downstairs.

"yeah?" he asked and jonah motioned him over. he walked over and jonah pulled him out of the house. "where are we going?" jonah smiled as they went to the car.

"i know i've been caught up lately and i'm sorry about that. i know you've been talking about going to the lake..."

"we're going to the lake?!" corbyn asked excitedly.

"yep! i know i promised you today and i'm keeping that promise." corbyn smiled and bounced in his seat. jonah smiled at his son's excitement. they soon got to the lake and corbyn smiled. he ran out of the car and to the beach. he took off his shirt and ran into the water.

he looked back when he was waist deep in the water. jonah was soon behind him and they started a splash war. corbyn smiled and laughed. soon, they were playing catch with the ball in the water.

after a few hours of doing whatever, they headed to get McDonald's then head home. they sat on the couch and ate while a movie played.

"where the twins?" corbyn asked.

"at grandmas. this week is just for you." he said and kissed his sons forehead. corbyn smiled and are another fry. "just for you." corbyn snuggles into jonah and yawned.



"you wanna go to bed?"

"nah." corbyn cuddled into jonah. jonah smiled and soon the son and father were passed out.

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