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nobody could believe it was true. corbyn ran away. he just got up after a show and left. no one thought he would actually go through with his plan.

everyone heard corbyn talking about leaving, but they never thought he was going to go through with it.

now, they were stuck searching for the boy, especially jonah.

they went to the cops wanting to find him.

but then one day, after seven months of corbyn being missing. they found him.

but it shattered jonah.

corbyn was found tied in a basement, raped and brutally murdered.

jonah broke down and didnt come from his room for weeks. no food, no water, no bathroom.

on the fourth week, cops broke into his room and found jonah dead. he had starved and dehydrated himself.

he left a note saying this;

"i want to be with my soul, body, life, and myself. because when corbyn ran, he took all of me and i don't want to bring you all down with my shell of a person. i love you. jonah marais."

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