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i found this sad just so you know

corbyn felt alone. he really did. yeah, he had his best friends, a loving family, hell, he had a boyfriend who would give everything for him.

but corbyn still felt alone. it didnt matter who tried, he still felt alone. everyone always asked him, "why'd you do it, corbyn? why'd you cut?"

hed stay silent though. nobody knew why corbyn started cutting. only he knew.

when corbyn made those lines on his arms and watched the blood start to bubble on the surface of his skin, hed find comfort. he wouldn't feel alone anymore.

no matter how hard corbyn tried, the only thing that didnt leave him with a deep, dark, empty hole inside was cutting. in those moments, in those tiny little moments, hed feel safe, protected and as if he wasnt truly alone.

he knew that people wanted him to stop cutting, that's why he had so many depression pills yo take, but he just couldnt.

he found more comfort from cutting than laying in jonah's arms at night. he knew he was crazy, but it was the truth.

when hed make those cuts, hed feel a presence next to him. hed feel...whole again.

jonah had tried to understand why corbyn cut, but he couldnt. hell, no one could. no therapist, no psychiatrist, no doctor. just him and his blade.

and corbyn wasn't entirely heartless. hell, he named his blade bob - just to make himself feel better just a smidge - and damn did he try his hardest to stay with his friends, family, and boyfriend, but he couldnt stand this empty, dark, black hole that lived inside of him.

so, he had to put an end. he had to put and end to this loneliness. he had to put an end to this pain.

he knew jonah, his parents and siblings, and his bandmates were all un terrible pain watching corbyn the way he was, but this would end all of their pain and his iwn.

it was his time.

he had been so scared to do it for the longest time, but tonight was his night.

corbyn had set the note out nicely before going to be bathroom. he sat down on the toilet seat and brought out bob. he let out a shaky breath as the deep hole inside of him got deeper thinking off all he would lose.

he started to make the lines. he watched the blood drip and smiled. that feeling of loneliness, it was gone. that black hole inside of him, gone. everything was gone and corbyn had never felt better. so, he drifted off and away from the house. hours later, the boys return and find his body.

jonah later found the note and broke down as he read it.

Dear everybody,

none of this is your fault. i just dont belong, i feel like i have nobody even though you all are here, i feel lonely. so, by the time you're reading this, ill be dead. I'll be up in heaven.

but i love you all, i promise. i never did this to hurt you.

i love you.


jonah broke down and dropped to the floor. his corby was gone abs he failed to notice why.

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