8|Watching Horror Movies

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horror movies weren't corbyn's cup of tea. it wasn't jonah's either, but their third boyfriend, daniel, absolutely loved them. he loved the thrill and jumpscares.

so, like clockwork, the youngest of the trio got out his CD case of horror movies and put one in. then they all got under the blankets. this was the one night jonah and corbyn would watch horror movies with daniel. any other night, he was on his own.

so, Friday The 13th started to play and the oldest two were thoroughly regretting their decision, but it was too late now.


about 5 movies and hours later, jonah and corbyn were shaking and glaring at the smiling daniel. they hated what they just wsnt through.

"no sleep for me till november." corbyn growled and daniel sighed. he sat between his two older boyfriends and pecked their lips.

"c'mon, guys. it's not that horrible." the two rolled their eyes.

"you don't scare, ass." jonah growled and daniel rolled his eyes.

"i can snuggle you two to scare away the monsters."

"that would be appreciated." so, for the remainder of their morning was spent with daniel getting the shit cuddled out of him by corbyn and jonah.

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