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TYPE: lots of angst, floof, sad
EXTRA: based off of Captain America: The Winter Soldier because i love bucky barnes and jorbyn with all my heart :,)
•i don't own any of these scenes or any characters
•i also changed a bit of the movie
•i really love this :,)


corbyn smiled as he ran past sam.

"on you're right."


"on you're left." three more laps were like that before sam was panting against a tree.

"tired, old man?" corbyn asked and sam rolled his eyes.

"you should take another lap for that comment. you just did didn't you? i'm expecting you did." both steve and corbyn laughed. "sam wilson."

"corbyn rogers."

"steve rogers." they shook hands.

"i kinda guessed."

"what unit are you?" corbyn looked around.

"fifty-eighth pararescue, but now i'm down at the VA." the conversation continued before corbyn felt a vibration. he looked at his watch.


"oh, nat." he smiled.

"alright, sam. duty calls. thanks for the run; if that what you wanna call 'running.'"

"oh? that's how it is?"

"that's how it is." both chuckled and corbyn smiled. he soon saw a sleek, black corvette driving down the street.

the car pulled up and natasha rolled down the window.

"hey, fellas. either of you know where the Smithsonian is? i'm here to pick up some fossils."

"funny." corbyn said and went behind her. he unhooked his bike and pulled it off. he started the engine and saluted to sam. he smiled and saluted back before corbyn took off down the road behind steve and natasha.

corbyn stared ahead as the plane shook.

"son." he looked up and saw his father, steve, standing there. "you ready?"

"yeah, yeah." corbyn stood and natasha handed him her gun.

"can't use knives everywhere, corbyn, and take good care of her." she said and corbyn nodded. he looked at the gun and placed in a holster. her walked over to a door.

"i don't know why you took the serum with me, boy." steve told corbyn. corbyn shrugged.

"i love my dad and after you crashed in the ice, and with bucky. . ." he trailed off after the name. "i guess i felt i had to make you proud and be like you." corbyn looked at the metal door.

"you're brave for doing that, corbyn. now, how 'bout we jump?" steve brushes off the mention of his longtime friend.

"of course."

"secure line seven."

"sevens secure." both corbyn and natasha replied.

"doin' anything fun saturday night?"

"well, all the guys from my barber shop quartet are dead, so, not not really."

"coming up on the drop zone, cap."

ONE SHOTS!JorbynWhere stories live. Discover now