111|Field Trip

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corbyn popped his headphones into his ears as he started blasting music. it was the annual five-day field trip to somewhere for the sophomores. next week will be juniors then the seniors. the freshman had gone the week before.

corbyn's eyes wandered outside to the sunset. his body ached to have a body next to his, but unfortunately, he cant. why? you might ask.

corbyn has a boyfriend. his name it jonah and they are open about it atschool, but their problem lies on the bus.

corbyn's mom.

saskia is super Christian and would kill corbyn if she found out about them. then she would kill jonah.

why doesn't he just sit in the very back? well, his mother insisted on sitting in the seat across form his - clearly not seeing the boys discomfort.

she also embarrassed him earlier on the bus, but his best friend christina stuck up for him.

here's what went down;

corbyn boarded the bus and found a seat and his mother sat across form him. on his way by, jonah gave corbyn a look of pity and sadness and corbyn did the same.

he went a couple seats behind him and sat down. his phone went off and he looked at it.

the day just started and we have another what? ten hours left? i hate it already 😭 wish it was lake last year 😑😒

i know, jo, but ig we just gotta deal with it 😔

why did she come anyway???

sumthin bout keeping an eye on me

well she can suck a dick

as long as it's not yours, we're all good

no, you get that all to yourself, babyboy 😏😉

we got ten hours on a bus. sTaPh



you love me

i do 💙


"who ya texting? your girlfriend?" saskia asked and everyone fell silent while corbyn blushed. then it erupted into laughter, everyone knowing corbyn was gay as fuck. "well?"


"he was texting me!" christina said. "no worries, mrs.besson." the  brunette smiled quickly at the blonde and corbyn smiled back. regular conversation started among the bus.

thanks for saving my ass back there

anytime, corb. 🤗


corbyn pulled out his earbuds next, hoping his mother will get the hint to leave him alone.

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