88|The Ones Who Didnt Make It Back

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knock. knock.

corbyn got up from his position on the couch. many people were gathered around the house for jonah's welcome home party.

jonah was in the navy and he had been deported over to somewhere for about three years now.

but when corbyn opened the door, he didnt see jonah. no, he saw two of his navy buddies, jack and daniel.

corbyn felt his heart stop and tears filled his eyes.

"is he-" corbyn's fifteen year old daughter walked up, but froze at the sight of the two other soldiers.

"we are so sorry, mr.frantzich." daniels gaze was filled with pity for the - now family of three.

"dad hes gone?" amberly asked and corbyn covered his mouth.

later that night, corbyn tied a piece of ribbon around an oak tree in the front yard - it blew in the breeze.

"here's to the ones who diddnt make it back home." saskia toasted and every put up their beers. corbyn nearly chugged the entirety of his.

the next day, the entire town had stopped living. they all came over to mourn jonah's death. there was a video set up by corbyn, amberly, jake, and daniel.

in his forty years, they played many memories.

there was one for when corbyn was pregnant with amberly, then with jake. there was one from their wedding when corbyn tripped and got cake all over his face.

but then a clip played of jonah by a hospital bed, it was when his mother had died. corbyn was next to him with amberly right behind him holding baby jake.

the next clip was when jonah first met corbyn. corbyn had been talking to his mother and she somehow started screen recording and corbyn bumped into jonah and dropped his phone and jonah spilt his coffee.

everyone laughed at that, and everyone cried at other moments. after that, they all headed to johnnys bar and he had drinks half off - giving the kids something to drink  since everyone else had some sort of alcohol.

corbyn was destroyed as ever.

"to the ones who didnt make it home." ray toasted and corbyn lifted his glass. "the ones we hadn't seen in so long." everyone sipped.

"hold up a beer to the ones who we wish were here. who gone, but won't be forgotten." corbyn whispered. "the ones we'll love forever."

"hes in a better place up there."

"but he left a hole down here." corbyn sighed as he sipped more of his beer.

corbyn went back home, back to the front porch, back to the front door, back into the house then he saw his kids.

he still had to fight for the family that jonah was fighting for.

"this is for the ones who didnt make it back home." corbyn whispered and went to go cuddled with his daughter and son.

song: The Ones Thst Didnt Make It Back Home - Justin Moore

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