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okay, you don't have to read this, but i wanna rant and this seems the best place. if you'd like, just skip through the chapter, or leave the book. whatever you want, i guess. 🤷‍♀️

is there really a middle with money?

why i ask this is because if you have a lot of money, you lose sight of what's important because you are too caught up in buying. (not everyone is like this, but lots are)

and with not enough you also lose sight of what's important because you focus on what you want, but can't have.

so basically, if you have a lot, or a little, you lose sight in what you have compared to what you want/can't have.

i don't know where any of this is coming from.

maybe from my own family's problems, or the fact that i want something, but can't have it because shits getting too damn expensive.

i guess all i'm tryna say is don't take for granted what you have.

yeah, you might be jealous because the pretty girl has the new kylie jenner lip kit, or the boy you are jealous of has jordan's, but don't let that take control of your life.

i almost did, and it nearly costed me a source of happiness that i need nowadays.

everyone has something good in their life. whether its an animal, a person, or show/movie. or a book.

even if you think you don't have something that makes up happy, just think, what makes you smile?

is it that girl that cracks stupid puns everyday, or that boy that try's to show off, but clearly fails?

or maybe its a book that makes you smile and cry at the same time.

or a movie that warms you and you can watch it again and again.

maybe its a bracelet that a loved one gave you. whether they're here or not.

everyone has a source is happiness. and even if that happiness is thinking of scenarios about you and some celeb, write them down, then read them.

i guess what i'm trying to say is don't lose sight of what makes you truly happy, even if you don't have money, or if you do.

i don't know why i'm telling you this, but if you actually took time to read this, then thank you.

i love you all. have a good night/day.


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