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thought of this walking home yesterday, so eNjOy!

corbyn and jack had that kind of friendship where they could be idiots anywhere, and today was one of those days. they decided to go to Walmart and yell the word "daddy" for no fucking reason. they wanted to see who and how the people would reply.

so, corbyn walked to a part of Walmart and rubbed dhis hands together as he waited got the perfect time. many people flooded the aisle and corbyn took his chance.

"daddy!" he yelled/moaned out. some walked on, others looked at him weirdly then a voice chimed in his ear.

"what was that for, baby boy? you know daddy doesnt like that." a man said and corbyn glared at him before pushing away.

"shut up, old man."

"oh, come on, baby boy." he purred and corbyn got very uncomfortable very fast.

"hey! perv! leave my boyfriend alone!" a brunette shouted and jogged towards them. "c'mon, babe. let's get away formt his pervert." corbyn nodded, taking any excuse to get away.

"okay, love." then the boy wrapped his arm around corbyn's waist and the two left. thet soon met up with jack. "thanks for saving my ass, dude." corbyn smiled and so did the boy.

"names jonah." he stuck his hand out and corbyn shook it.

"corbyn." jonah smiled at him.

"well, you two should be more carefully pulling shit like that." jonah scrolled and chuckled lightly when jack and corbyn both rolled their eyes.

"yeah yeah, mom." corbyn joked and jonah smirked.

"more like daddy." he whispered na dput a piece of paper in his hand beofre running off to catch up with a couple of girls. corbyn coughed beofre looking at the paper. there say a phone number.

"you have to text him."

"shut up, jack."

that came out better than i thought. 😝 but yeah, i thought of that walking home either yesterday, or to whenever you ars reading this Aug. 27th 😝

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