18|Kids And Parents

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corbyn didn't like how jonah's parents treated him. the blonde could take care of that boy better than they could.

so, as halloween was around the bend, corbyn was putting up decorations and everyday afterschool, the fourteen year old came running over to help.

his parents were never home anymore, so, he usually came over to help, or if he needed something.

"hey, bean." he greeted ad he walked inside.

"hey, jo." corbyn greeted as he looked at a recipe.

"whatcha doing?" he asked az he trotted into the kitchen.

"making pumpkin pie. you wanna help?" corbyn asked and jonah nodded enthusiastically. so, they started to make the ingredients for the pie.

when they put it into the oven, a knock was at the door. corbyn jogged over and opened the door. jonah's parents stood there.

"you have our kid." the mother growled and cops moved past her.

"hey! you can't barge into my house!" corbyn ywlled.

"we can if the mother of jonah marais thinks you kidnapped him." the cop moved past him and found jonah.

"are you okay, son?" she asked. jonah nodded.

"just fine! and corbyn didn't kidnap me! he's my real father!" everyone froze. that's why.

"is this true, mr.besson?" the cop asked and corbyn nodded.

"it was my mistake to put him up for adoption all those years ago and i truly did not know he was my true son until a couple weeks ago."

"when did you move here?" the cop asked.

"six years ago. never knew he was my son i gave away." corbyn looked down and jonah whined. he ran foward and hugged corbyn. the blonde held jonah close.

"how did you find out, jonah?" the cop asked.

"a couple weeks ago. we were cleaning and i found the birth certificate."

"so, all these years and mr.besson had it." the mother sniped and the cop rolled her eyes.

"well, legally, if corbyn wants his kid back, he can have him. we just need to court and it's up to jonah to choose." they all nodded.


"and jonah, who would you like to live with?"

"corbyn besson."

"okay, then it is ruled. corbyn besson gets full rights to jonah marais roth besson."

"come here, baby."

"i'm glad you want me."

"i always did."

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