Sans's Secret

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Sans always knew more than what was thought he knew. No one knew about resets since sans was the only one that remembered anything after resets. He was the only one that knew what would happen in each reset. He was used to genocide route after genocide route after genocide route. Though, he never said a word to anyone. He also hid the fact he had magic so everyone just thought he was genuinely a lazy monster. He didn't let anyone know about him being able to teleport either. Some monsters even joked around about Sans having 'no magic'. He really just didn't want anyone to know he had magic. But one day, Sans was starting to get tired of all of these genocide routes. He wanted it to end. But what happens if one day, before the human would fall, he actually ends up explaining to his friends about what he keeps having to live through? How would they react?

//I wanna be Sans for this//

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