Unintentional Issues

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Ink lately, had been noticing that one by one, au's were slowly being destroyed. They were just side au's that hardly anyone knew about at least but still, it was odd considering ink knew for a fact it wasn't error doing that. But what was even odder is that the au's that got destroyed got destroyed to the point they were just blank space like the anti void. Of course, ink couldn't figure out who was doing this or even why the person was doing this so one day, ink confronts the person after a third au had been destroyed. But how would he react to the fact that the issues were being caused by someone ink never made?

//I wanna be the person for this which the person is Paper Crane. I've never Roleplayed as him before but i want to try to.//

This is Paper Crane for those who don't know what he looks like:

This is Paper Crane for those who don't know what he looks like:

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