Nightmare's Old Secret Job {Nightmare x Any Bad Sans}

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Before Nightmare had gotten corrupted and before he became the bad sans leader, he had had a secret job. He had secretly legit been a stripper at the club in Underlust for around ten years but Dream of course never knew about that. Nightmare had never told anyone about that job because he was afraid of being judged. After all, he was a Prince. But when he was the bad sans leader and corrupted. He had kept a file of information from his old secret job but he kept the file hidden in his room at the castle. He never let anyone in his room though because he didn't want anyone finding the file but what happens if while Nightmare was out of his room, a few of the bad sans sneak into his room and find the file? How would they react to the fact that their boss had once been a stripper in Underlust?

//I wanna be Nightmare for this.
Please do not judge me for this scenario.//

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