He Wants To Free Him {Abyssmare}

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Nightmare had always kept his eye on one particular person for a very long time. That person was Abyss. Abyss had never actually met or seen Nightmare's corrupt form but Nightmare had been stalking Abyss. Nightmare knew Abyss was quite powerful which could be helpful for his team if he could convince Abyss to work for him. So one day, Nightmare approaches Abyss and tries to convince him to work for him but of course, Abyss refused when he realized Nightmare was a villain. When Abyss refused, Nightmare just straight up kidnapped Abyss since he wasn't taking no for an answer. But while Abyss was held hostage, he had an odd feeling about Nightmare. He felt like this Corruption wasn't who Nightmare really was which concerned Abyss but what happens if while hostage, he also develops feelings for Nightmare of all people? What if he was determined to free Nightmare's passive form from the corruption?

//I wanna be Nightmare for this//

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