Nightmare Needs A Queen

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In the time before Nightmare became corrupted, Nightmare had a major task he was assigned. Since he was the older twin, he'd be the one that would be required to become king first. But the thing is, he needed a queen. Nightmare however, didn't want to become king. He always said it was because he didn't want the major responsibility of being king but Dream always assured him he'd be a great king. But secretly, Nightmare was scared out of his mind. He was scared to be king. People hated him as it is and he knew this wouldn't help the issue he had of people hating him. But maybe it would change if he became king? But the only issue was, where was he going to find someone that would be willing to be his queen? Well, aside from Cross anyways. He couldn't imagine marrying someone so obsessed with him. But Cross somehow didn't know that Nightmare was a prince or that Nightmare was brothers with Dream and Cross had no idea that Nightmare was in need of a queen. But what happens if Cross hears word that Nightmare was trying to find someone to be his queen and that he wanted someone that would never betray him or the marriage? How would Cross react to his crush, Nightmare, being a prince? What if Cross tries to prove he'd be a good queen for Nightmare but...what if he actually manages to convince Nightmare to choose him out of all the possible choices?... How would Cross react to Nightmare choosing to marry Cross of all people?

//I wanna be Nightmare for this//

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