False Accusations & Insanity {Dreammare}

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Nightmare (passive) had always been bullied for his entire life. Dream however, was oblivious to that though and had absolutely no idea that Nightmare was bullied and treated terribly. He had no idea that people bullied Nightmare for being the protector of the dark apples as well as by being the Prince of Darkness and Nightmares. People would call Nightmare a demon. They'd call him evil. They'd accuse him of doing black magic which was a serious offense in Dreamtale. Of course, Dream never knew of the accusations and insults either. Nightmare would always hide the injuries he'd get from his bullies and he'd hide his depression he had from being bullied but over time, it began to mentally break Nightmare and Nightmare was honestly starting to lose his mind. But he hid that from Dream of course. Though, the insanity was quickly taking over Nightmare to the point he didn't care of the accusations which made it more challenging to hide his insanity yet of course, Dream was still oblivious to it all but what happens if one day, Nightmare literally gets charged with a death sentence because of the accusations monsters made towards Nightmare? How would Dream react to the fact that Nightmare was being accused of doing black magic and was given a death sentence that would take place in a few weeks if Dream did nothing to stop it? But how would Dream react to the fact that Nightmare was also losing his mind?

//I wanna be Nightmare for this//

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