Goth Broke The Rules

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Goth had always lived with his parents. He was always a well behaved kid aside from maybe pulling a few tricks every once in a while. He usually helped his father, Reaper, with Reaper's job since Goth had more or less the same abilities as Reaper. Goth however, was never allowed to leave his au. That was a strict rule his parents gave him since well, who knows what would happen if Goth left the au? And because of this rule, Goth has never left his au before and he's never met anyone from outside his au. Goth was always warned that something bad may happen if he left his au. But one day, curiosity got the best of Goth and he decided to leave his au for the first time when his parents weren't home and wouldn't be home for a week or two but his parents had trusted Goth to stay home alone. That was a mistake. Especially since well, after he had went to a random au, his magic was oddly refusing to let him make a portal to go back home. As for the au he had ended up in, he had ended up in Dreamtale. He of course, had never even heard of this place nor did he know anyone there. But what happens if he happens to meet someone the same age as him that happened to go by the name of Palette? Would Palette try to befriend Goth when he meets him?

//I wanna be Goth for this//

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