Dance To The Beat {Dance x Tone}

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Tone was always trying to be helpful to the few people he trusted despite being extremely shy. He would help ink make the battle theme songs for each monster in every au so Tone did have an important job but ink would get mad at Tone anytime Tone screwed up with his job that he had been given by ink. Though, after a while, when ink started needing him to constantly make battle theme music with very few breaks, Tone couldn't stand it and for once, went against ink's order and told ink he needed a break because he couldn't keep up with ink's needs for battle music. Such as for example, Tone would approximately have three days to do an au's worth of battle theme music. That's a nearly impossible task considering he'd also have to make normal background music and stuff like that. But after telling ink he needed a break, Tone went to stay in a random au, wanting ink to leave him alone. However, Tone had ended up in Dancetale. Of course, Tone loved to sing and dance but would never sing and dance in front of anyone. He'd only do it in private when he'd know no one was watching or listening to him. However, that was similar for Dance!Sans. Dance loved to Dance but he was extremely self conscious about dancing. Which is why he'd have his hood up anytime he had to dance because the hood helped hide his identity whenever he'd dance. The only time he'd feel most comfortable dancing was alone or in an important monster battle. But what happens if Tone and Dance meet? What if the two find out they had a fair amount of similarities? What if the two develop feelings for each other?

//I wanna be Tone for this. And for those who don't know who Tone is, this is what Tone looks like.//


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