A Second Chance To Be Alive {X-Tale Chans Ship}

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Cross had always secretly had the ghost of his male version of chara nicknamed Zero, following him around but only Cross knew about Zero and only Cross could hear and see him. No one knew Cross shared a soul with zero either. Hell, no one's heard of Zero before. Not even ink knew who zero was or that Cross constantly had a ghost following him around. But one day, when cross was busy with something, zero managed to go to where ink was and managed to get ink to be able to see and hear him but what happens if he convinces ink to remake his (Zero's) body? What if ink does? How would Cross react to seeing zero was alive again?

//I would like to be zero for this//

This is what zero looks like if you don't know what he looks like also ignore the text on the picture:

This is what zero looks like if you don't know what he looks like also ignore the text on the picture:

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