The Merskele {Dreammare}

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Nightmare had always had a fascination with the sea in one specific au. He'd go there every day, just to look out at the sea. Yes, he was the bad sans leader but there was no one there to stop him so he honestly didn't do much harm to anyone since well, what was the point if no one was going to try and stop him? He's never met Dream, ink, or Blueberry before either. One day however, Nightmare's fascination with the sea gets the best of him and he decides to be a pirate captain because why not and he made the bad sanses be part of his crew. Of course at first, some of the bad sanses weren't too happy about the whole being pirates thing but they learned to accept it. But one day, what happens if Nightmare catches something or rather someone, in one of the nets of the boat? What if it happened to be a merskele (aka mermaid / merman skeleton) that he caught in his net? What if the merskele was someone by the name of Dream?

//I wanna be Dream for this//

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