He Brought Him Back For Them {Deathberry}

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Reaper had always felt alone. After all, who would want to be near the God of Death? No one ever dared to even try to show any love towards him either. But one day, Blueberry met Reaper. He noticed how lonely and sad Reaper was, so, he decided to help Reaper and make sure Reaper wouldn't be lonely anymore. Blueberry always listened to Reaper's stories and would as much as Blueberry hated it, Blueberry would sometimes even tell Reaper bad puns to try and cheer him up despite Blueberry despising puns. But over time, the two fell for each other. They knew the relationship would likely never work out but they enjoyed it for the time it did last. After all, Reaper was a god with a deadly touch and Blueberry was a mortal who would die within seconds if he came in contact with Reaper. But despite these risks, they still loved each other. But they knew to keep their distance in order to ensure no 'accident' happened. But one day, something happened that made Reaper come in physical contact with Blueberry. Of course, Blueberry dusted within seconds but... Reaper managed to save half of Blueberry's soul. When ink and Dream had heard the news that Blueberry was gone, they were devastated but they hadn't known that Blueberry had been dating Reaper. But ink and Dream didn't know Reaper had managed to save half of Blueberry's soul from dusting. Of course, Reaper knew it was fragile and would not last long without it being a full soul. He knew there was a way to bring him back. To be able to be with his lover again. But... There would be a price for Reaper to pay... But how would Blueberry and Blueberry's friends react to the fact Reaper brought Blueberry back to life in a way that was like he never died aside from a few differences? But...How would they react to what Reaper had to give up just to bring Blueberry back?...

//I wanna be Reaper for this...
Will someone Roleplay this with me please?...//

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