Meeting Death Himself {AfterDeath}

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Reaper had always strongly disliked his job of being the grim reaper but it's not like he actually had a choice as to whether he had to do his job or not. If he refused to work, his dad would get extremely pissed off at him and in all honesty, Reaper was scared of his father (true fact), especially whenever his dad was pissed off at him for deliberately slacking off just to not have to do the job he really hated. Reaper didn't particularly have any friends either other than maybe his brother possibly. Especially since well, he never stayed long in au's he had to go to so he never really got the chance to talk to anyone. Then one day, he meets Geno. How did he meet Geno? Well, Geno had somehow escaped the save file without dying and he just happened to end up in reapertale without having a way to leave nor had Geno known where he ended up. Though, what happens if when Geno was trapped there, he meets Reaper, the god of death himself? How would he react to meeting the god of death himself for the first time?

//I wanna be Reaper for this//

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