It's All Just A Game To Him

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Ink had always been the leader of the star sanses. He was respected by basically everyone and everyone always looked up to him when they needed help. Ink liked to keep things a specific way. He liked everyone to follow the role they were supposed to follow. He however, disliked anyone that decided to stop following their roles. And anyone who strayed from their roles got punished. The severity of the punishment varied on how far the person went with not following their intended role. He was only so specific with this since he considered this all to be just some sort of never ending 'game'. Him, Blueberry, and Dream have been enemies with the star sanses for over ten years. Just the way it was supposed to happen. However, ink's good guy behavior was nothing more than a simple act that no one could see past. In a way, he was having Blueberry and Dream work for him by him being the leader of their group. However, for some odd reason, one day, Dream started to think that fighting the bad sanses was pointless since they obviously weren't going to win anytime soon. Dream mainly kept these thoughts to himself but one day, Dream made the mistake of telling these thoughts to ink. Ink of course, was furious that Dream was considering quitting his job as a star sans so he could go back to protecting the tree of feelings like he used to. Ink however, had never let anyone see the real side of him. Or the real way he thought of everything. But Dream wanting to quit the star sanses is when ink draws the line. So of course, he planned on punishing Dream until Dream would promise to be a star sans for basically forever. Then to make things worse, Dream makes the mistake of calling ink insane. Yeah, that won't make anything go well for Dream but what happens if it gets to the point that Dream 'attempts' fighting ink to avoid punishment? What if that makes ink give Dream a much more severe punishment?

//I wanna be ink for this//

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