He 'Saved' Him {NightCross / Crossmare}

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Cross had always been one of Nightmare's most loyal minions. Actually, he really was Nightmare's most loyal minion. Even if Nightmare absolutely hated him, Nightmare still couldn't deny that Cross was his best minion. Cross always tried his best to impress Nightmare  even if he knew his crush, Nightmare, would likely never love him back. All the bad sans knew Cross had a MASSIVE crush on Nightmare but Nightmare somehow didn't know that Cross had a crush on him but he always wondered why Cross was always so willing to do any mission Nightmare assigned him and Cross would hardly ever screw up the missions. And since Cross was pretty damn fast and was excellent at defending people, he was tasked at being Nightmare's personal body guard but that didn't mean Nightmare had to like him. After all, Nightmare thought Cross was only doing this since he was a hard worker. Nightmare had no idea Cross was doing this as a way to try and prove to Nightmare he could be a loyal and worthy lover for Nightmare if Nightmare ever wanted a lover. Cross was just trying to prove his unending loyalty to Nightmare.
Then one day, one of the star sanses ended up sneaking into the castle at night to try and 'kill' Nightmare while Nightmare was asleep. Though, Nightmare happened to actually still be awake that night. But what happens if when Nightmare comes out of his bedroom, the one star sans who was probably ink, tries to attack Nightmare? But as for Nightmare, none of the bad sanses knew that Nightmare could only be hurt if he's weakened by too much light or too much positivity first and that without being weakened first, Nightmare cannot be killed and would be more or less immune to attacks since any weapons that touch his black goop get stuck and melt. But what happens if Cross happened to be there and he took the strong hit for Nightmare? How would Nightmare react to the fact that Cross had actually taken the hit for Nightmare because Nightmare never bothered to tell any of the bad sans that he couldn't die without being weakened first? And how would Nightmare react if he finds out how much Cross actually cared about him and how much Cross actually loved him when no one else would love Nightmare since no one else dared to love Nightmare?

//I wanna be Cross for this//

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