He Wanted To Be Left Alone

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Ink and Error had been together for a while. They had two sons whom were Gradient and Paperjam. Paperjam was 16 while Gradient was only 14 but Paperjam was a destroyer and Gradient was a creator. Gradient typically kept his emotions to himself and would usually just stay in his room and draw. When he'd meet someone new, he was typically shy and wary, often not trusting someone new until he's known them for a while. As for him and Paperjam, Gradient and Paperjam haven't really ever gotten along. Paperjam had a habit of ripping up all of Gradient's artwork just to upset Gradient and sometimes make Gradient actually cry. Though, Paperjam didn't know how negatively this would actually effect Gradient. He thought Gradient would get over it eventually but that's because he had no idea how much effort and time Gradient had actually put into the drawings. But after Paperjam destroyed all of Gradient's artwork one day, Gradient started to leave his room less and less but no one knew why. Gradient would keep his door locked and use a magic barrier so no one could come into his room without his permission. But what happens if one day, Paperjam happens to manage to get into Gradient's room? How would he react to what he sees?

//I wanna be Gradient for this//

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