The New Artist In Town {Encre x Fallacy}

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Ink had always been the creator and protector of au's. It was his job after all. He also loved to be an artist since well, he was a professional artist. Though, being creator and protector of au's was stressful for him especially with Error destroying au's and stuff but when ink and Error finally got a truce in which Error genuinely gave up destroying once he saw there was no real point to it because everytime he destroys an au, it creates more au's as a result of an au being destroyed so he just gave up. This of course relieved some stress from ink. After all, ink had been creator and protector of au's for hundreds or even thousands of years. And as much as ink enjoyed being creator and protector of au's, he wanted to either retire one day or take a long break from it since the multiverse no longer was in too much danger or at least not at the moment anyways. So, he decides to take a long break from creating au's and just focus on his hobby of drawing and painting without creating au's. So, he decides to get an art shop in an au which the art shop's upstairs area was his apartment like 'house'. And just for the sake of making sure no one would recognize him so they won't bother him since they wouldn't know he was the creator and protector of au's, he changed his appearance, his name, and even decided to speak french instead of english since he actually knew how to speak french. However, he didn't realize that this au happened to be Vampireverse but what happens if a certain Vampire King named Fallacy ends up going to ink's art shop one day and meets ink whom had changed his name to Encre which was french for Ink? What if Fallacy ends up developing feelings for Encre?

//I would like to be Encre / ink for this//

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