The Encounter {Dustberry}

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Dust had always been stalking Blueberry for a long time but none of the star sanses had actually ever met Dust before nor had they ever seen him so they'd have no idea he was a bad sans. But the bad sanses also had no idea that Dust has been stalking Blueberry let alone having a strong interest in the small skeleton. After all, Dust kept a lot of secrets to himself since he tended to be secretive. Not even Dust's best friends Horror and Killer would know about Dust having a massive crush on Blueberry. Though, over time, Dust's crush on Blueberry got stronger but what happens if one day, when Blueberry would be lost in an impossible to see in without a flashlight dark forest, Dust happens to encounter Blueberry without Blueberry being able to see Dust due to how dark it was? What if Dust tries to befriend Blueberry? Would Blueberry want to be friends with him as well despite the way he met Dust in the impossibly dark forest?

//I wanna be Dust for this//

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