Ink Mistook Him For Error

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Myriad (aka dreamswap!Error), had always been in his antivoid. He never left nor did he really know how to. He could view au's from his antivoid though. He was quite shy and he had extremely severe trust issues from an incident that happened to him long ago, so getting him to trust you would honestly be an accomplishment. And because of the incident that happened to him, he was extremely fearful of any form of physical contact. It was to the point he wouldn't even touch anything without wearing gloves. Just because he had been so traumatized years ago and had never even slightly gotten over the traumatic incident that had happened to him. Then when he met Rogue (aka dreamswap!Blueberry), Rogue tried to 'befriend' him and had even gotten Myriad to trust him. But Rogue broke that trust when he essentially decided to keep Myriad as a hostage which brought Myriad back to having many memories of that traumatic incident he had had. Though, after being held hostage and manipulated constantly by Rogue, he managed to escape one day. He managed to get a portal open to a random place which happened to be a place where ink (the original ink) would be. However, ink had no idea that the dreamswap au existed since he never made it but what happens if when ink meets myriad, he mistakes him for Error? What if ink tries to fight Myriad but Myriad can't convince ink that he's not the Error that ink knew? But what if it gets to the point that Myriad just breaks down crying because the fighting was bringing back other terrible memories that Myriad had?

//I wanna be Myriad for this. Also this is what Myriad looks like//

 Also this is what Myriad looks like//

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