He Wanted Support From Him {Errink}

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Ink had been creator for hundreds of years. His job was extremely stressful to him though but no one knew it was stressful for him. He used to love being creator but now it was nothing more than a time consuming task that he had to do every day for basically forever. But he pretended to like his job though no one knew he was only pretending to like his job. As for error, Error loved his job as destroyer and it didn't stress him out at all. He enjoyed being a destroyer and if anything, destroying stuff calmed Error down. Then over time, the stress started affecting ink worse to the point ink couldn't think straight and everything was basically quickly going downhill for ink without anyone knowing. But what happens if it gets to the point that the stress is bad enough that ink tries to talk to his archenemy Error about it, hoping Error could provide some sort of support to ink but what happens if Error thinks ink was just lying for attention? How would Error react if ink confesses how negative his mind had secretly been getting?

//I wanna be ink for this//

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