He Came Back For Him And Only Him {Nightcest}

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Ever since Nightmare had gotten freed from his corrupt form thanks to the star sanses, he's went back to living with his brother. Everyone thought the corruption was gone for forever but they had no idea how wrong they were. At first, it seemed like everything was finally going to go back to normal and Nightmare really liked that everything would be going back to normal. Or at least, it seemed like that at first. Then after a few weeks, Nightmare started getting the feeling he was being watched and maybe even stalked but he never told anyone about those feelings since he just thought he may just be imagining things. Plus, he didn't want to worry anyone after they had just gotten rid of the corruption since surely, it was gone for forever...right?... But what happens if one night, when Nightmare was home alone...the corruption shows up in Nightmare's room?... How would Nightmare react to the fact that the corruption became it's own person after Nightmare got freed from it? But what happens if Corrupt had interest in Nightmare and wanted Nightmare to be his and only his?

//I wanna be Corrupt for this//

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