Corrupt Vs. Passive {Nightcest}

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The bad sans had always been causing trouble basically anywhere they went and then the star sanses would end up having to take care of any issues the bad sanses caused. even with the issues concerning the bad sans group, there was good news and bad news. The good news was that nightmare's passive form was actually back and nightmare was happily living with dream again. The bad news was that nightmare's corrupted form somehow became it's own person that was completely unpredictable in the worst ways possible. But hey, at least dream had his brother back. And since nightmare's corrupted form which was now known as "Corrupt" had it's own body, it could no longer take control of nightmare. Of course, Nightmare was happy to have his passive form back but he knew how much trouble that Corrupt could cause but what happens if Corrupt starts secretly stalking the star sanses as well as Nightmare? But how long would it be before Corrupt tries doing something bad again?

//I wanna be Corrupt for this//

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