𝕀. "ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜 𝕠𝕦𝕥"

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Hi guys! This is a brand new fanfic I decided to write! This is the first Charpter, which can also be read on my one-shot book. 

Please read the description! 


*Han's POV*

Luke and Leia are my best friends. We're all seniors in High-school, even though they are just 16. The twins are incredibly smart, skipping 2 years when they were 14, ending up in my class. Ever since then we grew attached, the rebel trio against bullies and random jerks.

I skated to the Skywalkers place in the middle of the night, climbing to Luke and Leia's room. This was usual to us: They'll call me to hang out, I'd snuck in through the window, we'd spend some time together. Mr. Kenobi would usually find me and tell me that I could have just used the Door, but I don't wanna wake anyone up at midnight to hang out with the twins. Either way, I'm terrified of their father Anakin, so the window is good for me.

They told me they had something to show me tonight, and I was sure curious. I wanted one of the twins to tell me something for a long time now, but they made sure to make it sound like this was about the two of them, not just one.

Luke opened the window in the exact same moment I was going to knock on it, making me knock on the air.

-Come on in Han, it's cold out there! - Luke said quietly, trying not to make a lot of noise. He was in his Grey light pijamas, not a really good choice for a chilly night like this one, but I'm not the one who's telling him that.

-Hello to you too Lukey. - I say with a grin, entering the room and closing the window without making a sound, ruffling his hair.

-Don't call me Lukey! - He almost pouted, making me chuckle a bit.

-Hi princess. - I greet Leia, kissing her hand sarcastically and she death stares at me, but grins in the end. - You made me really curious with that call, you better make it worth it now.

We sat down on the ground between Luke's bed and Leia's bed as usual. Sometimes I pity the twins: 16 and still share a room. If I had a shared room with Lando 2 years ago when I was their age it'd probably drive me insane. How are you supposed to go through such a weird phase of your life without a room for yourself? How can you cry out at night with someone within the same four walls, or worse: when do you get yourself off?

Leia fortunately spoke before a image crossed my mind and made me blush or had ever worse outcomes.

-First, you need to promise us something. - Leia stated, serious, looking at me and then at Luke for reassurance.

- OK, tell me. - At this point I'm getting a bit overly exited, but they where really making me curious.

-First, you have to promise to keep secret of it. You can't even tell Lando or your dog Chewie. It's a family secret. The only reason we're telling you this is because... we trust You Han, a lot. - I gluped. That was seriously an honor to ear those words, not that I'd let them know.

-I... I promise I'll keep it a secret. You have my word if that means anything.

-It means to us. - Leai awsered, Luke nooding in agreement. - Now the second one: promise us you'll do your best not to freak out.

All kinds of thoughts flew by my minds, everyone of them worst than the other, weird and even sexual, but I brushed that of quickly. I would not laugh or scream, nor cringe or show any disgust. They trusted me and they deserved that trust. I nooded.

-OK... so, maybe we should show you instead of telling, you'd never believe us. Luke?

-Ladies first.

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