𝕏𝕏𝕏. 𝕄𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪 ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕤 (𝕠𝕣 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕤𝕠 𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕪𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖)

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Hi there! How's it hanging? 

No comment on the fanart, I just thought it was really cute. 

Let's just skip introductions and dive right into it! 


*Han's POV*

I got up and fell down on my bed on my face, something I had grown acostumated too, hearing a small gasp. I found Lando looking at me with serious consern.

-You had any idea you fly in your sleep?- I loved how he worded it, couldn't help but to laugh.

-When you put it that way it even sounds more ridicullous, I'm sorry.- I felt like I had to explain him why I was laughing so hard at his worried face.- Yea, I knew, but it's not like it's hurting me or I can control it, so why bother?

He shrugged and nodded. I knew he didn't like the force, I knew it. He knew he had only met the bad side of it, not the good side, but he still felt a bit taken back from a good interaction with it. I did tried to show him it could be a good thing, trying to overcome his fears and help him. It wasn't working a lot, but we could manage it. I looked at the clock: 09:12 AM It was late, mom and dad wanted us in church by 10.

-Have you looked at the time?- I said, now worried. He laughed, already ready, trowing my clothes at my face.

-I couldn't wake you up before. Trust me, I tried. Hurry up, those two somehow didn't had a problem getting up in time and driving themselves there.

That meant I had to get ready, grab us breakfast and walk to church before 10. Damm parents that take alcohol well! He laughed a bit more at my suddend hurry and walked to the door. I hissed in pain, grabbing my right ear. He turned back to me, but I was as surprised as him. Why did my ear hurt? Then it was the left ear, but then I was prepared.

-The fuck, man?- he asked.

-This... This isn't my pain... I guess Luke finally got to pierce his ears like he wanted to.- I smiled a bit at that memory. He aborded me first about the matter, asking me about my opinion on it. I remember I told him I thought he'd look great with earings, specially if those made him happier and more confident. To be 100% honest, I did meant what I said, I just put to the side some more details, like the fact I thought he'd look so hot with them and some other dirty comments I thought he didn't have to know of. 

-You and Luke feel each other's pain? - he sounded, again, a bit worried. He always thought the worst in instinct. 

-It's not like that. - I explained. - We are... we are connected, we can feel what the other feels, always, we just tend to notice the most sudden and evident ones. 

He pondered on that. He looked like me a bit in the beginning, when I was the one learning the basic stuff about the force, except he kept thinking negatively about it, while I kept thinking positively. He walked out the door and closed, still thinking about it. 

I smiled to myself, changing into the church clothes. Unconfortable as they were, I smiled, comforted by how happy my dear felt, wherever he was right now. 

*Luke's POV*

I was seeing my reflection on the screen of my phone at the place we went for waffles, enjoying it for the first time in a long time, the two small earrings shining in each ear. A little back story on this: me and Leia both wanted to get our ears pierced for some time: she already had her ears pierced one time each, but she wanted them with 3 earings each side. And me? I wanted this for long. I feared they made me look way too girly or ridiculous, but I did felt really confident and happy with these. Over all, I felt really pretty. That's something I haven't felt in a long time, even with Han helping me a lot with that negativity. 

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