𝕃𝕏𝕀𝕍: ℙ𝔻𝔸 𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕔𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘

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Hello there! How's it going? 

I swear this one will pay up! 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Luke's POV* 

As the class ended I had to leave for Fisics. It was really boring to be there alone, but advanced classes aren't for fun, they are for knowledge. 

As I got out of class Han was waiting for me. Just Han, I assume Leia was with Holdo. 

-Hi baby, fun class? - he smiled and I kissed him. 

-Not really, this ain't a fun class. But doesn't really matter, does it? It's a class for learning, not for fun. - he frowned a bit, he didn't like how rispidly I took school and it's matters. He said it was "causing too much stress" and "preventing me from enjoying high school on the fullest" and blah blah blah. - But now I can have fun with you, can't I? 

He smirked and, as soon as there was a gap between lockers, I was pinned against the wall by his hungry kisses. It was all amazing and nice until a teacher we didn't knew grabbed Han by the back of his vest and pulled him back. 

-No PDA in school! 

-Excuse me, Mister, but there is literally no one else here. The hallway is empty apart from us. - Han was obviously still recovering his breath and embarrassed about this entire situation. My arms where still up, the lingering touch of his hand on my wrist still there. If this was embarrassing for anyone, I was surely more of a mess than him and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. 

-This is still a school, young man! 

-No one is here. - he somehow remained calm enough not to raise his voice at a teacher, we all knew that's death sentence in this school. 

-Are you talking back to me?! - by this point the teacher was practically holding him by the collar of his shirt only with his attitude. I know who this man is. 

-Professor Sidius, what Han is trying to say is that we're sorry and that it won't happen again, right honey? - I tried to walk in and sooth this mess up. 

-Of course. - Han agreed with me, mainly to make the teacher shit up and go away, wich he did after a bit. -Who's that? 

-Professor Sidius. Known for being the old cranky teacher with a PhD that never got a job in a university, so had to put up with High School kids. Best way to calm him down is to acknowledge his qualifications, he's a sucker for that shit. 

-And you know that because...? 

-Dad and Obi-Wan had classes with him. He was already old back then. - I simply said, smirking right after. - And we promised we wouldn't get caught making out in the hallways again, right? I think we need a new spot. 

-I think so too. 

*Leia's POV* 

Her lips taste like peppermint gum and peach, her hair smell like strawberries and her skin smells like her coconut lotion. You must have already figured out that I'm talking about Holdo, currently laying with her head on my thigh while reading "The Song of Achilles" while I made a small flower crown with the daisies on the school ground. maybe the one thing I can thank heteronormativity about it excaping PDA call-outs. Every teacher thinks where just friends, "gals being gals" and all that crap. 

Her purple hair looked like shiny galaxy spots on my light grey skirt and my bare leg. with those ankle grey socks and white trainers I felt like I was inside a sapphic story blessed by Sappho herself. Where else would I rather be? 

Psychic Love - SkysoloWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt