𝕏ℂ: 𝔸𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 𝕠𝕦𝕥

62 3 11

Hello there! How's it going? 

Here's one more! 

This "day" isn't ending, I know, but it will. 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Han's POV* 

I didn't let go from Luke as soon as he got out, he basically hugged me and didn't let go from me. Leia also hugged him tightly, no words needed. Neither of us had eaten, so we stopped by some gas station that was still open and ate some rasky burgers. No one spoke for a long time, no one knew what to say. Everyone had too many emotions inside themselves, boiling up and tearing us down. I saw Lando looking apologetically into the distance, but didn't had the energy to ask. 

As we went home the only sounds you'd hear were lstiches turning, running water and "goodnight" whispers. I craved to hold Luke close to me, reassure him and myself it'd be okay, but I didn't knew how much that'd help. 

-If you feel more comfortable, I can sleep on the couch... 

-No, don't. Don't leave me alone... I need you here. - His words where shy and a sheepish smile appeared in his lips when I smiled too. 

Luke fell asleep fast. Poor guy, he was so tired... In less than two minutes he was quietly snoring against me, holding me close in a very messy way, like he was a koala and I a tree. 

I couldn't sleep at all,i holding him close to me. Leia was fast asleep too, but I heard her cry before that. I could imagine what she was thinking, that she didn't wanted her happiness and her brother's to fall apart again. I shared that same fear. 

Somewhat around 4 am he began to cry in his sleep, grasping my arms so much it hurted. I was in a sleepy state, even if awake, but his distressed whimpers snapped me out of it. I tried to shake him awake, but he just grasped my arms tighter, this time away from him, and kicking me, his back hitting the wall as he begged "nononono" in his sleep. 

-Shhh, it's ok, angel, it's ok, it's not real... you're safe, I'm here, you're ok...

He didn't woke up so easily, but I was expecting so already. I woke him up with a showerif kissed on his face always softly. He woke up soon enough, holding to me like he had nothing else to hold onto in the world. I rocked him back and forth softly, rubbing his back and playing with his hair.

-Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay... You're safe here, I promise... It was just a bad bad dream... - I tried to soothe him, feeling my eyes tear up too as he sobbed into my shoulder. - I love you so much, you know, and I'll never let anyone hurt you... 

-Han... Han, do you promise never to hurt me? 

It shattered my heart in a million pieces to hear him ask that, sounding so scared and broken. It scared me even more when it clicked to me why he had been so scared: he had dreamed I'd hurted him... Holy shit, in what way? Did he actually had a nightmare where I had... 

-I promise, moonshine, I won't ever hurt you, never, not in a million years... I promise you. - my eyes disobeyed me and I began to cry, hugging him closer. 

He let his head lay on my chest, trying to calm down. I whispered sweet nothings in his ear, like I always do when he needs me to, kissing his forehead. 

-I'm sorry I asked that... 

-Don't. Don't be, Luke, okay? It's natural to feel scared and it's natural to doubt. But never doubt I want all that's best for you and I'd rather hurt myself than you. - I whispered caringly, the feel of his cotton pijama shirt on my neck fuzzy. 

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