𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕀. 𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕚𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦

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Hi there! How's it hanging? 

Before you read this charter, listen to the song above. Pay attention to every word. Listen to it while reading maybe. That song is Luke's and Plap's relationship in a 04:24 minutes resume. 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Luke's POV*

That next day was sort of unusual, but nice motherless. My parents had a huge hangover which was, well, understandable. Leia, when she finally came home, was more hungover than them both together, something that they couldn't help but notice, but we're too affected themselves to lecture her. Han left first thing in the morning, maybe still in time for his dad to think he'd been gone all night. It's not like he couldn't leave the house as he desired, but he feared to be "punished" for sleeping over at my house and, as we all know, Han is a terrible liar. It was basically just me taking care of them all, not that I minded. I'd spent a week with them all caring after me, it was just fair the inverse happened too. 

Leia's lecture ended up being just them telling her to be more careful with quantities, as we're going to collage next year. By the sound of their stories, underage drinking wasn't something they could exactly frown upon, at least with moral. 

The day after that was the first day of school, which is always something. I woke up before the alarm, as usual, but no nightmare disturbed me. Instead, a creepy laugh lingered being. I put on a black long sleeved v neck and skinny jeans, black combat boots and a leather belt before she woke up, breathing heavily, hands shaking. I recognized those signs immediately. 

-Leia, are you ok? - it worried me to see her like that, she barely never has nightmares. I kneeled by her bed, trying to see if she was fine. 

-Just a small nightmare... - Her lips smiled at me, but her eyes teared up and showed pain. I got slightly up and hugged her, ignoring as she trembled a bit, never crying. Leia barely never cries. 

-Do you wanna tell me what happened? - I asked her sweetly, knowing first hand how bad nightmares were and how it could ruin one's day to wake up from one and having to carry that weight around with no one to talk too. 

-It made no sense... we were at school, I was looking for something, or maybe someone... it felt like I couldn't control my movements, only watch, you know? - I nooded, understanding exactly what she meant. - The more I walked, the bloodier the halls were, dead bodies everywhere. I kept walking though, all the way to the classroom. In there... all of our class was death... you. Han, Holdo... all gone. Instead of a white board. there was a mirror. When I looked at it it, I had blood on my hands and face, smiling like a psyco, the knife on my hand. Then I woke up. 

I gluped. That was really creppy, it made scence she was at least scared. I hugged her tighter, rubbing her back, taking my turn as the older sibling and letting her recover at her own pace. 

-It's ok, sis. Nightmares are just that, nightmares. They don't mean anything in real life, they just creep the shit out of us. It's not like you did anything wrong, is it? The important is to remember that this is the real world, that none of that happened. - I said, still hugging her. 

-Do you have nightmares about those things too..? 

-Oh yea, a lot of times. But, just like you, I don't mean them. No one means to have nightmares where the monster is themselves. You don't have the guilt of having those nightmares, only if you had actually done it in real life, which you didn't. It just happens. It's ok. 

I held her paciently until she calmed down, knowing how many times she'd done this for me without asking for anything in return. 

-I'm gonna leave now so you can change, ok? Or would you rather me staying a little longer? - she held tighter to me and I smiled faintly, rubbing her back. It took her some more minutes before pulling away. I smiled at her caringly, managing to make her smile a bit too, going to the bathroom to brush my hair and my teeth while she got ready. 

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