𝕃𝕀𝕀. 𝕋𝕙𝕖 (𝕓𝕒𝕕) 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤 𝕁𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕒𝕝

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Hi there! How's it going? 

Here's a new chapter to you! 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Luke's POV* 

I knew Leia's seizures like the palm of my hand, she has epilepsy since we're little kids.  Her seizures are mild (she doesn't stop breathing or looses control of her muscles), it was safe to move her and wait a bit for it to end, my hand not touching or restraining her, but there in case her muscles shake again and she falls to the ground again.

As she slowly snapped out of it, I relaxed. 2 minutes of a seizure is not that long, medically speaking, but undeniably tired. Now I was more worried to know what triggered it. She could barely bable something out, letting her head fall on my shoulder. 

-It's ok, it's ok... I got ya, you're safe... - I allowed her to catch her breath and fully recover her consciousness before asking more stuff. - Are you dizzy? You feel strong enough to stand up? - she nodded. I saw her try to struggle out some words, but only 3 actually made it out of her mouth. 

-I'm so tired.... 

-I know, I know... - he turned to us after they got up, holding her hand as she looked so tired she could fall asleep at any moment, hiding her face on his shoulder, away from the world. - Well head home, guys, ok? See ya at school tomorrow. 

-I'll give you two a ride home, come on. - Han offered, something I simply smiled at and thanked him for. 

It wasn't a long walk, but her exhaustion made it seem a bit bigger. I have nothing but respect for my twin sister, but when the girl is sleepy she acts like a cranky toddler who needs their nap andseizures just make it worse. It's a bit degrading to see big bold strong Leia this way, but (specially after a seizure) she needs me to take care of her like this, so I do try my best to be patient and help her reach a safe place before she felt too overwhelmed. 

-Leia, come on, the car is just over there, just a few more steps... - I prompted as she stopped again and held tighter to me, grunting in disconfort.

-It's too far...

-I know you're really tired sister, but you can rest on the car, ok? - She nooded and kept walking, but I was obviously keeping her up so she didn't fell over to the ground, curled up and fell asleep just there. 

Han made sure constantly during the ride home she hadn't fallen to the side completely and that a second seizure didn't follow. You see, unlike most, Han knew about Leia's epilepsy, he saw this happening before to Leia and surprisingly recognized it (but then again, he spent his childhood in an orphanage with a lot of other kids, at least one of them had at least some episodes of epilepsy). He held my hand the whole ride home, understanding and reassuringly, knowing I had went full worried older brother mode. 

We reached home and Leia somehow managed to not fall asleep on the car, waiting for me to get out of the car notherless. I get why, she's scared she's seen like that by others and, with me, she's at least a bit safer. I feel glad she feels safe with me, but she shouldn't be so scared about a reputation. Han had one and look how he is now. 

-Hi dads, we're home! - I greeted so they knew about our presence. 

-Back home so soon? - Obi-Wan entered the hall/loving room, seeing us. 

-Yea... - I turned to Leia, who was rubbing her eyes, my voice lowering and softening considerably. - You can go upstairs and sleep, ok? Change onto something more confortable first maybe. Do you want me to wake you up for dinner? - She shook her head slowly. - No? Ok, goodnight then sister, sleep well. 

Psychic Love - SkysoloOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz