𝕏𝕏. 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕥 𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕪

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Hi there! How's it going? 

Here's another chapter after a long period of writers block (2 days). 

Please comment and vote, I'm an attention craved writer. 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Luke's POV*

As our lips connected I gasped, the sensation of it so overwhelmingly good. I knew he knew by know, he knew we were a dyad. There's no way he didn't and still gave me all of him so easily, letting me explore him fully the way he was exploring me. It was... magical almost, the way we felt like we were just one, united. 

It was truly all I've ever wanted, to lay there with Han, sharing the moment I never wanted to share in anyone else. I could almost forget the aching burn in my arms, the new scars forming as the cuts healed. Sure, maybe I was too impulsive this morning, maybe I crossed the line, maybe I just gave into it way to quickly and didn't put up enough of a fight, but he always made it better, he always helped, he always cared. And that... that was so much more I could ever ask him too.

The moment eventually ended though, all the bones in my body shivering as his presence was no longer there, holding tighter to him physically to overcompensate the loss. This feeling was mutual though, I felt him cling onto me as I stopped as well. None of us was ready to get up and face the world or to simply let go from eachother, my arms wrapped around his waist and his hands burrried deep on air, playing with it. His face was so very close to mine I could trace all little details I never noticed: the one small scar above his right eye, the way the hazel in his eyes mixed between darker and lighter tones instead of a consistent shade, the way his hair fell on his face on the side...

-You're so beautiful...- I found myself muttering, caressing his face. He smiled. 

-Me? Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror kid? I could spend entire hours just talking about how gorgeous you are, my prince. - I blushed and he kissed my nose. 

-Oh Han...- I gave him a small peek on the lips. I wanted to say that wasn't true, but I wasn't letting my negativity ruin the atmosphere. 

The small breeze from the door hit us, the lack of sheeds over us more obvious now. He looked over my shoulder, shrugging a bit and laying back down on his side. . 

-It's still early. - he said, pulling me over his chest, my entire body hanging in top of his. I felt like a fuzzy cat, nesting on top of him. It was good, conforting and, genuinely, it felt like home. Han felt like home. I buried my face in his chest, grasping his vest and hummed at the cozy feel. He grinned and kissed my forehead. - Gosh, did you know you're so damm cute? I just wanna hug you and kiss you and keep you with me forever. 

I chuckled at his studded clingyness (is that a word? it is now) and kissed him passionately. Only Han to be like that. We spent some more time after that just layed on eachother lovingly. I really hope that flame between us never fades away, the one that makes us blush at simple comments, the way we can literally cuddle for our on end, how we look at eachother... I don't want this to end, ever. If we keep feeding the fire, it'll live. 

After some time, let's say an hour to make us look like we're not lazy fools in love who cuddle for way too damm long, he had to leave, "older brother duty" as he called it. 

-See you baby- I said, kissing his cheek as he walked out the door, not without giving me a kiss on the forehead. 

-See you, my Prince. 

I closed the door, sighing softly, melting. 

"My Prince"

I could hear him call me that forever, for has long as he uses that caring and loving voice, deep and rough but sweet and velvety, enough itself to make me fall on my knees at any given moment for him if he so desired. 

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