𝕏ℂ𝕀𝕀𝕀: ℍ𝕖𝕪 𝕁𝕦𝕕𝕖

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Hello there! 

This isn't revised, ok? it's almost 4am,gimme a break. 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Luke's POV*

The bell was rude enough to wake us all up, just in the middle of such a nice dream... 

Anyways, we had lunch to attend and this time, it was mandatory. we were being graded on how well we took care of the kids. 

-Wakie Wakie, sleepy heads. - Leia teased, showing us a picture she took if tree of us asleep. I just rolled my eyes, but smiled as Han blushed. 

-How do you always manage to take a pic at everything? 

-I'm every single where, Han. You can't excape me. - she sassed, more like threatened, but still. 

Finn reminded myself of me when he started making grabby hands at Han, whining to be picked up. He did so and I tried to eat something. Han and I both agreed I'd feed Finn now, that I'm better at presuating him to do stuff than Han is. He's better at soothing and caring after. 

I was a bit nauseous since early morning, so I could barely take two bites of my food before putting it to the side. Han noticed, so did Leia, but I just couldn't take more food to my mouth without puking it all out, and one person puking in a day was enough. I'm not sure Han could handle anymore throwing up today. 

Like expected, Finn was a nightmare at food time. He didn't felt sick anymore, but he was throwing the biggest tantrum he could to avoit eating. 

-Come on, I swear to you it's not that bad... it's just mashed fruit, fit girls eat this all the time. - I helplessly tried to convince the baby. 

He kept looking away from the spoon and, no matter how much I tried, he'd always run away from it, to the point his cheeks where all dirty and no food was in his mouth. I tried my best, but he just seemed to refuse the food. Look how the tables have turned on me, uh? Suddenly, an idea crossed my mind. 

-Shara? Is Poe eating? - I asked the latina on the other side of the table. 

-Almost by himself, he's hungry, aren't you little one? - she baby talked to the kid. 


I turned Finn's chair around, showing him his friend was so well behaved. 

-Why aren't you a good boy like Poe and eat you food? - The baby seemed to ponder, almost like a grown child. - Come on, let's try again. Here comes the airplane.... 

Yeah, sure, I was making a scene, but it seemed to entertain him enough to try his food. Once he realized it actually tasted really good, he ate it all almost in five minutes, which was relieving as I was running out of options. 

I picked him up and noticed Han's loving look at me, taking back at how loudly Finn burped. How could such loud sound leave such small creature? 

-That's a powerful one, kiddo- Han joked, noticing before me his little yawn. - Someone's sleepy again. 

I gave him his pacifier and rocked him back and forth, trying to soothe him into sleep, humming a sing that popped into my head. Han recognized it, humming too and holding me from behind. 

-"Hey Jude, don't make it bad... take a sad song and make it better..." - just like in our vision, Han started to sing now too. - "Remember to let it into your heart and then you can start to make it better..." 

It was even more beautiful lived than in my vision, so confortable and united, me and Han almost one as we lullabied him to sleep, so very close and so soft I could cry in all the emotional feelings I had bubbling in my heart. 

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