𝕏𝕏𝕍𝕀𝕀𝕀. 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕕

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Hi there! How's it hanging? 

I really hope you guys are enjoying this fic! 

There will be some mature scenes in the middle of this, but there are warnings, so feel free to read it! 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Leia's POV*

As we all grew hungry we went to grab some food, chatting casually about music tastes and normal stuff like normal people do. 

-Song of the moment?- Rex asked, pointing at Aunt Ashoka first.

-"Crush Culture" by Conan Grey. What a bop.- We all nodded in agreement.


-"Pussy is God" by King Princess.- Luke rolled his eyes dramaticaly.- It's an amazing song, don't even get started.

-Way too much titties involved for me to be interested.- I choked on my french fries with laughter, whiping away tears of mirth.

-So which song do you chose?- Rex said, laughing as well.

-"Joyriding" by Frank Iero and the Cellabration. - His taste for odly heavy songs will always surprise me. I mean, he's a kriffing goofball.- Rex?

-I don't know, "6:00" by Grandson maybe?

-Good song...

We all ate in a pacific environment, chick chatting about life, simply enjoying ourselves until Luke grunted, holding his head. I felt his headache as well, recognizing it as unnatural, probably force related. 

-Luke, are you ok? - I asked, seriously worried. 

He nooded fast, way to quick to awser. I knew that was a lie, but I wasn't expecting him to straight up freeze in place. The scariest part in a person having a force vision was the way the life and emotion dissipated from their face and eyes in a second, looking like a dead statue. 

-Luke, wake up... come on, again in less than two months? - I cursed quietly, trying not to let myself panic. 

-What do you mean "again"?! This is normal?! - Rex was about to freak out. He knew a little about the force by accident, like Lando, but he did not asked questions about it back then. he figured that the less he knew the better. 

-Skywalker normal. You'll get used to it. - aunt Ashoka said, fixing her hijab before turning her attentions to Luke. 

This vision was faster than last time and, when it was over, he did not looked scared. He surely looked confused, but not scared. Nor unhappy. 

-What happened? What was the vision about? - I asked, curious as hell. he blushed a bit. 

-It... It was so weird... borderline bizarre... but it wasn't exactly bad, it.. it was good but strange, that's all. I have no idea why it was a vision. 

-What was it about? Don't leave us hanging! - auntie Ashoka said, translating everyone's thoughts. 

-It... it was so weird... I think we were at school, at least those were the cafeteria chairs... I... I had a baby in my arms, a 5, maybe 6 months old African American baby and... I think I was singing them to sleep? At least I think so, cause Han was singing along too quietly, I think it was Beattles or something... and then it just ended like that. I have no idea why that was happening in the first place, it's not like we looked older than we are now... What the hell was I doing with a baby? 

That was the true question here. What the fresh fuck was he doing with a baby in school? What the hell was he doing with a baby in his arms in the first place? Who's baby was that? Where did he got it? Why was Han doing there as well? The fuck? I was genuinely confused, but I couldn't really blame him for the happiness he was trying to bury deep down. It must have been a pretty image, surrounded with some comfort and safety, unlike so many other visions he had before. 

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