𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕀𝕏. 𝕊𝕝𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕪

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Hi there! How's it going? 

Here you have, a brand new chapter. Is Derek a good guy? Who is he? 

Let's find out! 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right onto it! (I only found out yesterday what an "ado" is) 


*Han's POV*

Leia simply watched as Derek hugged me and I hugged him back highly . I haven't seen the guy in more than a decade! 

-You grew up so much!  You used to be so small... - I said, looking at him. He truly did grew up, he was no longer the five year old I met. His face was still so similar, but obviously older, his white smile untouched and his pitch black hair in a bigger haircut, trapped in a small ponytail. His brown eyes had way less shine and hope, but after what happened... - Can you belive it's already been eleven years? 

-Eleven well counted years. How have you been man, is that your girl? 

Leia busted out laughing and I shruged in disgust 

-I'm Leia, his best friend and his boyfriend's twin sister. - She introduced herself, shaking his hand. 

-Nice to meet you, I'm Derek. Me and Han used to share bunk bed back in the orphanage, back when we were little kids.

-It was a big deal back then.

-I noticed you don't stutter anymore. -he pointed out, something I wished to forget. 

-I fortunately don't stutter since I'm 10. Can you imagine if it didn't stopped? - I laughed nervously, remembering how hard it used to be for me to talk. 

-Yea yea, i-i-it would be so-so-so-so strange.... strange to see you st-st-still stuttered n-now. - He mocked, imitating me when I was younger. I simply laughed at how well he did it. 

-Shut up nerd. - he was about to say something back, but I interrupted. - Don't try to say you're not. Hawaiian buttoned up shirt, light shorts, glasses... you're literally a latino version of Richie Tozier from It chapter one. Come on, you have a lot to catch me up on!

*Leia's POV* 

I didn't knew about Derek, but he looked like he knew Han well. I wasn't letting Luke not know he used to stutter though, he just had to know it. They talked like true brothers, but knew barely nothing from each other's recent life. 

-So you're trying to tell me you do MMA now? - Han said, looking at him in disbelief. - I thought you didn't like violence. 

-It's really fun though. Helps you learn to protect yourself in case of need. - Han nooded, it was true. - Finally dropped the cross or nah? - Derek asked. I looked questioningly to Han. 

-I quit regiligion when I was younger. I have no more faith on that bullshit. 

-You? Quit religion? Let me laugh! I don't think there was a single night you didn't prayed or a Sunday you missed church.

-When you get adopted by a preacher that hits you and your brother for simple shit, you loose faith eventually. So yea, I don't belive anymore. 

-Wait wait wait, hold your horses... Han used to be a religious guy? What? - I was so lost. He rolled his eyes. 

-Phases we go through. 

They spoke some more, sad undertones growing as they talked. There was some tension growing more and more visible, like there was something they wanted to talk about but didn't had the courage to. 

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