𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕀. ℝ𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕠𝕡𝕤 𝕠𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕔𝕒𝕣 𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕨

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Hi there! How's it hanging? 

I truly hope you guys are liking this story! 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it!


*Luke's POV*

I looked up to see his face once more, noticing that sadic smile never left his lips. Mycheek hurted, but I ignored it.

-You destroyed my life, Skywalker, I hope you're happy. - He spat out, to which I cringed and wiped my face. 

-You destroyed your own life, Turner, you just used me for the effect. - my voice was calm, but anyone could feel the tension. 

The only reason my parents or aunt didn't just come at him was the fact he was just 19. Leia didn't attack him on sight because she knew it was worthless and my cousin and uncles? They didn't knew for shit what was going on. 

He stepped closer to me and I refrained from stepping back, not wanting to let him scare me. At least, he didn't deserve to see me scared again because of him, he didn't deserve that satisfaction. 

-I should just fulfill my promise, right here, right now. - He tried to threaten me, but I laughed before using the scariest voice tone I own, now stepping to him. 

-Which of them, uh? What are you going to do? Rape me again? Rape my sister? Beat me to the ground? Try to kill me? Come on, say it! Admit what you said to me, what you've done, admit how sick you are, or so leave me alone! Haven't you done enough already? What else do you wanna take from me, uh? You took away my pride, my self estheem, my integrity... What else do you wanna take? 

He was backing away from me now, nervously chuckling while looking at my family, that looked like a scary wolf pack, ready to attack. They instantly stood by my side as they heard what he had done, even if just small notions of it. It felt good to have their support, it gave me strength to step up for myself. 

-You got expelled for a reason, Gabriel. Get away from me before I have to do something about it. - I finished, hoping those where my last words to him. 

They weren't. 

-I want to see if you're still that scary when I go after Han. I'll make him pay for what you're saying right now, I swear to-

If you guys know me, you know what happened after wasn't pretty. I'm not proud of what I did, I'm truly not. But one thing I have to say, I never felt more alive than when I punched him 3 times on the face, leaving his nose bleeding, kicked him on the stomach and left him there whimpering in pain, falling on his knees. I grasped him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him close in a threatening way. Any other day, the way I let my rage take over would scare and disgust me, but he deserved this. 

-You will not lay a single finger on him, understand? Because, if you do, I won't hesitate on ending your pitiful existence and nothing nor no one will be able to stop me. - Thank all the evil roles I got in drama classes during my lifetime for the skills to scare the living shit out of him right now. He nodded frantically, scared. I heard my dad crack his knuckles threateningly behind me (It was him for sure because of the mechanical sound of it). - Now get out of my sight. 

He ran away in the opposite direction we were going and I sighed, exhausted. Turner always took a tool on me. 

-I'm sorry for this... - I began to try to explain myself, but got surrounded by a group hug. I smiled and melted onto it, hugging back. No words were needed. It felt nice and relaxing, like home.

-I would have totally kicked his ass, but there is is the "kicking" problem. - Artoo said, making us all laugh, lightening the mood. 

*Leia's POV*

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