𝕃𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕀𝕍: 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝕊𝕡𝕠𝕥

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Hello there! How's it going? 

Here is one more chapter! 

Quite a cliffhanger before, uh? 

I'm starting to think you guys don't read the intros, so I'll write some horrendous lies to see if any of you calls me out on the comments. Bubba Fett shot first! Rey is a badly written character! Luder/Lukin is an healthy relationship! 

Without any furder ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Han's POV*

His baby blue eyes only reflected pain and I no longer cared that we weren't alone, I was torn by that image and I had to do something about it. 

I sat on the ground and catched him as he collapsed, my hand moving to near his stomach, never touching his bloody skin, my chest hurting as I felt him struggle for his life. I focused on him and began to try to cure him, harder to focus with everyone's screams and desperate tries to call the cops, failing due to how there was suddenly no signal inside the classroom. 

-Everyone shut up for a second and calm down! - Leia was the first to snap at them, noticing how I had started to cry silently in frustration. 

She walked up to me and intertwined our fingers, healing him at the same time as me, like we did when he was poisoned. I could feel her power, so much more experienced than mine, helping me help him. 

Even with all our efforts, his heartbeat started to run short and I just couldn't-

I opened my eyes and we were all back at the breakfast table, everyone acting exactly the very same way as they were before. 

-Han, are you ok? - Luke noticed my worried face, but I shook it off. 

-Yeah, don't worry. 

The day went down normally, despite my worries. Or at least I thought so. 

We were walking home when I heard gunshot noises. We instantly began to run away from them, desperately fast, but that was until I heard Luke's screams and turned around. There where five bullet wounds on his chest, blood dripping everywhere, a puddle forming around his lifeless body and I just couldn't-

I opened my eyes again and there I was, at that same table again. 

-Han, are you ok? 

-Oh, fuck me! 

*Luke's POV*

I was just eating breakfast when Han grasped my arm. 

-Wait... please just, wait, let me breath.... I need a break... - He was making no sence at all, but he looked torn and exhausted. 

-Han, what the hell is going... wait, how are you... stop that... otorhinolaryngology! How did you know I was gonna say that... Han, you're scarring me... Wow. - He said all my words at the same time as me. 

We all looked at him, hoping for explanations as he sighed. 

-I've lived this before, Luke, over and over and over again. I lost count of time, it feels like decades... Everytime, before midnight, you die, and it all comes back to this exact point, this exact place and second. No matter what I do, what I don't do, what I tell you or not tell you, you always die and I can't ever save you, I always have to see you die in different ways, some fast other slow, some agonizing other so fast you don't even feel it coming, sometimes brutal and grotesque sometimes simple and exact... I'm so tired of this, I just want this to end... but it always comes back again and again and again and again... 

By this point he had started to cry and I held his hands, unsure what to say. What he just described sounded so sadic and torturing... I couldn't simply imagine how much that costed him. 

-I don't know why this is happening, but I feel cursed and alone... I just want to either end this or myself, but I'm scared of dying for real and dragging you with me permanently... I just want this to end... - He had no more energy for screams and anything that wasn't his pained crying and it broke my heart. I couldn't simply imagine being in his place, he sounded so haunted and scared. 

-Han, I need you to ear me, I know what's going on, but only you can stop it. - His shiny hazel eyes turned to dad as soon as he started talking. - You're stuck in a time loop. Someone is feeding on your fear of losing Luke and cursed you to get stuck in this fraction of time. There is only one way to stop this, but you're not gonna like it at all. 

-I'll do anything to stop this, just tell me so I can get over with this... - I held his hands tightly and rubbed his knuckles, trying to offer him all support I could provide. 

-... you have to kill him yourself.

I stiffened up and saw his horrified face. 


-The only way to end a time loop induced by the force is to face what's haunting you. I... I've had to do so before. - Obi-Wan said, a tired tone himself. - Trust me when I say we'd never suggest this option if it wasn't the only one. When it's done, you'll be back to the beginning of the day and not this second. Like that, you'll know it's over. 

He looked at me with only terror, trembling. All the others left the room, leaving us alone. 

-Hey, it's ok... 

-I-I can't.... I can't do it... Luke, I just... 

-Yes, you can. - I looked at him and smiled. - I won't be gone forever. 

He looked up to me and the tension was unbearable. I caressed his face with a shaky hand, trying to calm him down, but my eyes were teary too. I was so scared, but I had to stay strong. He had to do it. 

-Luke... - it was hardly more than a desperate breath. 

-It's okay.- I practically whispered, also touched. 

He looked so damm torn and scared I had to be the one placing the knife in his hands and I could swear he was trembling. It all happened really slowly, neither of us wanted to go on. But it had to be done. 

-I'm sorry... - He began, trying to control his sobs. I glued our foreheads together, almost closing the gap between us. 

-It's ok, you have to do this. I'll be right back to you...

-I love you so much... 

-Just make it quick. 

His lips glued tnto mine and I felt a huge pain in my chest. Guess he chose the classic. All I wanted to do was scream and shout, but instead my hand raised to grab behind his neck and kiss him harder as I lost my strength. 

-See you on the other side... - I muttered out, blood leaving my mouth. 

Just like that, all the pain ended and it all went black. 

*Han's POV* 

I woke up in bed, Luke by my side, muttering about how I'd be better off without him. I could still feel the stringing feeling if him dying by my own hands, I couldn't control my happiness, hugging him. 

-Don't ever say I can live without you, kid, don't you ever think so... - I practically sobbed out in happiness. 

-Ha-han? - His surprised tone showed me he didn't remembered a thing. For fuck's sake, I was almost happy it was that way. 

-I need you, Luke. I need you so much it's almost unhealthy, you're like a drug I can't quit. Being with you is the best miracle that could have ever happened to me. Don't you ever say otherwise. 

I feel him melt and hold me back. 

-I love you too. 


So, what do you think? 

Only legends will understand the reference. 

If you liked this please comment and vote, it really motivates me. 

See ya! 

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