𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕀𝕀. 𝕀𝕟 𝕒 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕥

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Hi there! How's it hanging? 

Hehe, last time I really ended on a cliffhanger, uh? 

Ready to see the end of that? 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Leia's POV*

I waited in class for Luke to be ok, for Han to bring him back to safety. I knew Han was capable of doing so, but Palpatine only left before because he wanted to... I fear they won't be able to kick him out. 

All my fears and anxieties came to reality when I heard, echoing from the end of the hallway, the sound of Han screaming in agony, a scream no one ever thought to hear in a school

I drooped my pen and ran out the door, ignoring the rules and everything I always followed. I ran down the hallway after Han's pained screams, everyone completely scared. Han isn't like that, he acts though. If he was the one screaming, something bad happened. 

When I got there, the view was disturbing. Han was layed on the floor, unconscious, as Luke was being choked against the wall, five inches from the floor, face going white from the lack of air. 

-Luke! - I screamed in terror, the man turning his head to me. 

I was horrified, his soul wrenching red eyes gazing onto mine, making me fear for my life. There was no hair in his head, his skin totally deformed, but he could look like fucking Shawn Mendes, I'd know he's a monster. He ditched Luke, letting fall onto the ground, coughing and gasping for air. He didn't looked relieved for long, watching as the man in the long black coat walked towards me. 

-Leia Skywalker... pleased to meet you. - his voice was chilling, petrifying. I froze in place, unable to move, fear tensing up all mussels in my body, unable to run. I was going to die, I knew it. 

-N-no, please... do what you will to me, but leave her alone!- His voice was panicked and desperate, as if the thought of Palpatine hurting me was worse than his own dead. This ended up in Palpatine hitting him with lightning that came from his fingers, Luke's screams of pain and agony making me burst in tears. 

-You're truly willing to die just to protect your sister? She's petrified, she can't even protect you, she'll leave you to die! - Palpatine's screams were overwhelming, my body like a statue ans I saw my brother in such immense pain, trembling and crying. - She'll never protect you! Never! She'll leave you alone to die, like everyone will! Why bother about her? You can be so much more than this people... 

-... In a heart-heartbeat... I'd lay my life for hers in a heartbeat... - I saw as Luke got up, just to fall again on his knees. My heart stopped for a moment before his blue hopefully eyes opened again, showing mercy and all the love he felt, the look of a hero feeling nothing but pity and compassion towards the enemy. 

I should have been enough. It should have told Palpatine he'd never be able to turn someone so pure as Luke, so uniquely good, someone so full of love, so incapable of hating. 

It wasn't. 

He kept on hitting him, the lightening always back, the screams always loud and soul wrecking. Yet Luke... he just kept trying to get on both his feet, trying to somehow stand up, a way to show he was still there, that he hadn't given up just yet 

-What's wrong Leia? - Holdo and the rest of the class was right behind me, just arriving, watching the scene in horror. 

Palpatine smiled, the most horrifying smile a human ever layed eyes upon, letting Luke got at last. 

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