ℂ𝕍: ℙ𝕒𝕡𝕒 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙

87 4 19

Hello there! 

I'm so so so so sorry I took so long! Writers block, right? 

Anyways, here's a pretty juicy chapter. 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Han's POV*

What Luke showed us was mind-blowing. It showed detailed plans to strikes us down, plans that obviously envolved the dark side of the Force. There where names we despited, but a specific one we didn't knew. 

-"The_Anarchist543"? Sounds like a game nickname. Or a Tumblr username. - I commented. 

-I'll search that up on different websites, see if the results are suspicious. - Leia said, taking her phone out. 

It took long to analyze all of that, but fortunately my fevers where melting away  so I could be some help. My nose still dripped and I was cold, but I'd be fine. I usually get the flu around this time of the year, it sucks, but it's not the end of the world. 

My phone rang when I was just about to leave Luke's room. I wasn't used to Biggs calling me at 9pm, specially on a Sunday. 

-Hey Biggs-

I was cut off by panicked sobs and controlled-in hiccups, something that wasn't usual in him. Biggs practically never sounds so panicked, even in panic worth situations. 

-Han, I fucked up, I fucked up really really bad... 

-Hey, hey, calm down... Take some breaths... I'm sure it can't be that bad, just try to calm down... - he breathed out, but soon he was sobbing again. -Try to calm down, Biggs. Drink some water, it'll help steady your breathing... 

-I've already drank enough water, Han. I've been puking all morning... 

-Are you okay? - I was very confused, but I was also worried. 

-I'm really scared... - I was about to ask what had happened again, but he kept talking. - Han, we've been friends for so long, promise not to tell this to anyone? Please? I really need help... 

He was genuinely scaring me but he was also right. We were friends for very long, I would be there for him. 

-I promise Biggs, what's wrong? 

He sobbed a bit more and, when he said it, it was barely above a whisper. 

-I... I'm pregnant. 

My chin dropped. He what? How did he even... oh... 

-Jesus Christ... - He cried harder on the other side and I knew I that's wasn't the right thing to say. - It's okay, Biggs, you'll be okay... 

-One time, Han, we weren't careful just once... why did it had to happen?! - he vented out, crying. 

I could give him a huge lecture on how just one time can be enough for a disaster like that, but he obviously didn't needed that right now. He needed support, he needed me to be there for him. 

I just had no fucking idea how to. 

-I... are you sure of this, Biggs? 

-I did the test three times, just to be fucking sure... - he sounded very tired, drained. His voice did sounded like it had an echo... was he still in the bathroom? - I was feeling very sick recently and my... my period was very late... I didn't wanted to belive it, but... it's says here I'm 6 weeks pregnant. I'm fucked. I'm so fucked... 

-Biggs... I know you're very scared, I understand but try to think clearly... it's not the end of the world, you can solve this... 

He just cried in answer. I suck at this. 

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