𝕍𝕀𝕀. 𝕀𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕤

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Hi guys! I'm sorry I took so long, so here is a long ass charpter for you! 

without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Luke's POV*

I woke up shivering, an aching pain in my stomach. I tried to remember my nightmare, what had stattled me so much, but I couldn't. The more I tried the more it seemed to excape me. I looked at the time: 06:30. I letted out a deep sigh and curled up against the wall, simply waiting in the dark, letting my own thoughts drown me. I wanted to reach out, but it was way to early for anyone I truly trusted to be up. This had happened for the last night's, ever since the beginning of the school year. I looked at the bedside table, specifically at the little box where I had it hidden. I shook my head to the other side, leaning against the cold wall. I was not going to do it today, if not for me, for him. 

After around an hour of this, I finally got up. I knew my alarm would wake Leia up at 8, I had to be already dressed by then. I felt a small sence of pride, this time I hadn't done it. I pondered on my clothes for a bit. What I was going to do today? Just watch the contest and then spend the rest of the afternoon outside while Han waked his dog chewie on the park. Then I'd go to his house to train with Lando's band in the garage.

I was in a softer and pinkish mood, but I thought about dressing more masculine to fit in with the other skaters and bikers, even with the other boys in the band. Then I realized I didn't care bout any of that and I simply decided for an oversized pastel pink sweater with a preety skull that said "Dead men don't catcall" and light grey sweatpants with checkered socks. I was putting on my white and pastel purple Nike airforce when my alarm went off, Leia waking up. 

She groaned, burying her face on the pillow and turning around. 

-Someone's not on the mood to wake up, uh? 

-Shut up, it's too early for this shit. - she groaned from inside the bed. 

-I would not do that if I were you. You still have to get ready for today and train a bit. Or do you want Webster winning again like last time? - I teased, playing with the strings of my sweater. Webster is Leia's nemesis in BMX. He loves to downgrade her because she's a girl and she kriffin hates him for that. Last time they went against eachother she fell on the last trick. Didn't got hurt, but have him first price. He didn't quit teasing her about it, saying second price was the woman's first price and sexist stuff like that. 

She got up and looked at me, her hair all messed up and on the air, the hickey on her neck way more obvious and dark. 

-You're gonna want to hide that. - I pointed at my own neck, making her blush in realization. 

-Thanks man. - she got up, still with a sleepy face, walking towards the bathroom, taking some clothes in her arms to change as well. 

I took my phone off the charger, putting it in my pocket with my wallet, keys and chapstick. I brushed my hair,, knowing Leia would take a long time in the bathroom. Ipondered for two seconds before picking my eyeliner and applying it with the help of the wardrobe mirror, just a thin layer. Leia made some frustration noises and I knocked on the door. 

-All good there? 

-I can't hide this shit! - she whispered in a frustrated voice, trying not to wake our parents up. I chuckled a but and got in. 

She had pickled her most masculine clothes: long shorts, stripped white and black shirt with a joy division t-shirt over it, MY checkered black and white vans, two small low buns and a short silver chain. Her neck was full of makeup, but it seemed useless, she couldn't hide that alone.

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