𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕏. 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕤 𝕠𝕗𝕗, 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕦𝕥

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Hi there! How's it hanging? 

I'm tired of the huge NSFW warnings, so I'll just put a "🔴" sign in the beginning and ending if the scenes and safe fancy warnings for triggers. 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Han's POV*

I couldn't have asked for a better new year. The fireworks in the sky would never fail to amaze me, all the colors and the music show lighting up all of our hearts. He was right, the view from here was amazing, maybe better than what anyone got at the bridge. 

-What are your new year resolutions? - How clishé of him to mention that. 

-I don't have much, kid. Just to not give up on what I have and work harder to get what I need. - He rolled his eyes. - I mean, I'm gonna have to work more now. I've been saving money for collage, I have 2 years worth of tuition plus food now, I know my dad won't pay me that, but the flight course is around 4 years. On the other hand, I have you now. Not just as my best friend and only cuddling close like this or kissing in my daydreams. - He giggled a bit at that last comment. - You're mine and I'm yours, it's all I could ever wish for. - Some moments in silence.- I just realized I'm the chick with daddy issues in the relationship. Wow. - He laughed loudly at that, taking some minutes to catch his breath again. - How about you? 

I had to wait for his answer, as he didn't seemed quite sure of what he'd say. 

-I wanna be finally ok for once. You showed me I could do it, that I have actually some worth. I mean... I'm dating no other that Han Solo himself! - my turn to giggle, not exactly at his words, but at the way he said my name like he was talking about a prince or a well known celebrity. - If you saw something in me, there must be something. I'm willing to find out what and try to embrace it. 

The words were more negative than I wished they were, but the tone of his voice was happy and hopeful. That was good, it truly was.

We layed there just looking at each other for a while. Luke took the chance to point out some stars and constellations he knew. He had this obsession with space and his huge dream was to work in our national version of NASA. He had the grades and the knowledge, he just needed that determination of his and his everlasting hope to get there. 

After some time, I noticed Luke trembling in cold, tucking himself deeper in the blanket and closer to me, his forehead burning up. I wondered why he didn't told me. 

-Shit, kid.... we should go inside, you're not ok. 

He nooded, bringing the blanket along with him as he climbed down to his bedroom window, laying in bed, leaving some space by his side and clingyly gesturing me to lay by his side. I smiled and kicked off my shoes, kissed his forehead once again and layed by his side, basically spooning him, trying to heal the fever away once more. I'm not really good at healing, but it seemed to work pretty well, kissing his cheeks as he weaped softly as the fever died. 

-You feel better angel?- He nooded and hummed as I cuddled closer, resting with him. 

I was drifting to sleep quickly, so confortable with Luke in my arms, but he seemed restless. I forced myself to think of the why's so I could try to help. The awser came from our dyad, his obvious discomfort palpable. It was the shirt he was wearing: the sweater was unconfortable to sleep in, yet he refused to ditch it. Some bigger fear and discomfort was behind it and I truly wanted to help the best I could. 

-Are you sure you can sleep with this on? You can take it off if you want... 

-I asked softly tugging at his sweater. He visibly shivered at this, getting a bit away from me. - Hey, it's ok, what's wrong? 

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