𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕍𝕀𝕀𝕀. ℍ𝕖 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕞𝕖

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Hi there! How's it hanging? 

I'm running out of ideas for intros. 


Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Leia's POV*

Dad turned the car on again and we headed back home. I noticed how Luke gasped and tried to shake something of, the way he looked anxious and nervous. There was a new force signature near him, one I didn't recognized but scared me deeply, giving me goosebumps. 


He looked at me with a scared face and held my hand, silently begging for whatever was happening to him to stop. I was petrified of the pure fear in his eyes. 

-I... I can't block him away forever... I don't know what to do... 

That's when our parents turned around to him. I hoped they knew what was happening to him, because I didn't for sure and I wanted my brother to stay safe. He just got out of the hospital, can't life give him a break? 

-Is he just talking to you? - Obi-Wan asked, calm and collected as usual. Luke nodded. 

-He's saying that... he's saying that if I don't turn right away, he'll make Leia turn first... and then come for me... 

That struck through me like lightening. Someone was talking in Luke's head? If it was with me, it would be normal: my force signature is open, what grants me the ability to be a good leader and, at the same time, to easily heal or communicate to other force users. It wouldn't be the first time a Sith would try and contact me. But to contact with Luke... the guy had to be absurdly strong to keep a connection against Luke's will, as he's more reserved. It's hard for me sometimes to read Luke, imagine force a bond against his will. 

Then there were the implications of those words, also frightening. Someone wanted Luke desperately to turn to the Dark side and, for the matter, was threatening to get to me too. That shit was not a pleasant thought. 

-Luke, I know it's hard right now, but try to remain calm. Ignore your fear. He can't get to you if you're not scared of him. Palpatine's strength comes from your weaknesses. I've been there. trust me, ignore the fear. - Dad spoke like he knew from experience. 

He breathed in and out, attempting to remain calm like dad said. I could see it took a visible effort to do that, as fear and impotence where some of the feelings that he felt the most. When Luke feels something, he feels hard, so his emotions where more out of control. Feeling deeply was both his blessing and his curse. 

-He's gone. At least for now. I'm not sure for how long. - He said, everyone relaxing fisibly at that. 

-Now, can someone explain me what happened? 

Luke seemed to know almost as much as me, looking out for awsers as well. 

We hit them, but neither of us got happy. 

*Han's POV* 

Lando was in a shock state when I reached him. I knew his fear with cops and so, what just happened must have triggered him a lot. I never knew how could he get so teared apart permanently for something that happened before he was even 4, but thuth is he was.

All traumas work differently, that's something you gotta know right off the bat. Lando's PTSD worked in many different ways, we just had to know him and know how to help when he was reacting in those many different ways. Right now it meant he was weaping softly on his bed, curled up on himself and looking into the void. He didn't awser when I talked to him at first, nor reacted as I got near him. It used to be this way a lot, when he got easily triggered and this was more constant. I sat by his side and, even if he didn't react to that, he held my hand, just like when we were kids. 

Psychic Love - SkysoloOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant