𝕏𝕏𝕀𝕀𝕀. 𝕋𝕚𝕔 𝕋𝕒𝕔

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Hi there! 

So, pretty intence end last time, uh? 

Well, I won't keep you waiting for any longer! 

Withou any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Luke's POV*

I laughed and Han helped me onto the ring. I still suck at ice skating and Han is still amazing, just like when we met at the homecoming party. He had seen that me and Leia were the youngest there and actually came up to us, recognizing us from Lando's class. 

-Come on kid, it's not that hard.. - He said, holding my hands as I nearly fell over. - Let me help you here... 

He helped me by holding me and trying to show me how to move my feet, still holding my hand as I got the hang of it. He then began to show off a bit, skating backwards, spinning around and circling me. I laughed at him, stealing a kiss from his lips as I skated forward, a bit thrown back as I felt his lips on my neck. 

-Han!- I laughed and he held me from behind, opening my arms like the girl in Titanic, making him laugh as well. 

He held me and put himself in front of me, like we were ball dancing but on ice. It was fun for the 3 minutes it lasted before we both fell, laughing a lot. He helped me up into a kiss, holding me and we began to skate again, having so much fun it felt like flying. All I wanted was to have fun with him and live life like I was just a normal kid in love. 

*Lando's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes, my vision really blurry. I slowly noticed the bag in my head and the ropes around me, keeping me tied up to a chair. I began to panic again, scared out of my mind, crying out for help. I felt the taste of blood in my mouth, my head throbbing in pain, but I jeps screaming, hoping someone would hear me. 

-Rareu gal girdeti j'us dteazi, nuyak berniuk.-I heard a scary voice say, sending shivers down my spine. I didn't understand the language, but it stinged my heart and made me fear for my life. 

-I-I have no money, I'm not famous... My parents wouldn't even pay for me if they could! Please... I-I won't tell anyone you had me, you... you can just leave... - I begged, crying. I knew how to run away from handcuffs, but this headache, the lack of sight and the fear made me weak in their power. I was devastated with the possibility I could die or worse. 

-This is not about you, my child, don't worry. You are just the bait. We just have to wait for your little Jidai dolega to take it. - their voice was in my ear this time, making me shiver more, tears running down in panic. 

I wanted to fight against the restrains, ask what they were going to do, but they took the bag out of my head and I paralyzed in fear, like I had just gazed death itself with my own eyes. They're hair was black and spiky, they teeth sharp and bizarrely white, resembling fangs, eyes somewhat orange and glowing, skin pale like chalk. They put on a black and red ceramic mask, one that only left out their sociopath smile crowned with fangs and the soul piercing eyes, walking to the small camera I hadn't seen before and turning it on. 

*Leia's POV*

I breathed heavily, collecting myself before dressing up again. Evann layed back against her bed, lighting up the joint against her lips. I know, I know I shouldn't do this, but I couldn't stay apart from her for long. Who cares if it's just sex and making out? At least I'm not alone anymore. 

-Want some? - she said, offering me the joint. 

-I pass. - I refused quickly, making her shrug. - I'm still mad at you, you know? You shouldn't have said that the other day. 

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