𝕃𝕏𝕏𝕏: ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕒𝕞𝕖

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Hello there! How's it going? 

This is the 80th charpter, and I want to have something ready for a 100th special! 

Please comment something you'd like to see! Please don't be shy! Any idea is good! 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Leia's POV* 

I told him everything. I told him she had been in my dreams again, this time making ones where I'd kill Holdo off and stay with her, where I'd take her deal and how I'd wake up with fear and guilt evertime. I told him about what happened when she took over Luke's body and I told him she kissed me. 

-That's a lot, Leia. Why don't you ask your family for help? They would know how to help you... - He said, genuinely concerned. 

-I already discarded them once... I can't crawl back to them and ask for help, they'd think me weak and pathetic. 

Before I knew, his hand was on my shoulder and I was raising my head to him again. 

-Listen, your are definitely not weak nor pathetic. You're Leia Skywalker. you are one of the strongest people I know. But you're also human and humans live in society need to cooperate to survive. It's ok to need help, Leia. No one will judge you for that. - He sounded genuine but I couldn't just drag them to this. 

-I'll be hurting them. Promise not to say a thing? - I basically pleaded. He sighed. 

-Sure, it's something only you can tell them. But just listen to me on this, ok? - I looked at him, showing I was paying attention. - You have a wonderful family that will always be there for you no matter what, that always supports everything you do and accepts your decisions regardless of agreeing or not. They will never judge and, if I were you, I'd accept their help because not everyone can say the same. 

I was about to say something, but he smiled and got up, choosing his clothes. It broke my heart to think that way, but... I did loved and cherished my family, that's why I was trying to protect them by keeping them out of this. 

*Luke's POV* 

I was brushing my teeth, smiling and blushing as Han showed up from behind me and hugged me, also brushing his teeth. 

He took this last day as a sign to stay closer to me at all times and, if it means to have this cute cuddly mood all times, I don't mind it at all. 

-Someone's getting clingy, I see. - I teased, looking at him in the mirror. 

-Maybe I am, so what? I know you like it. - He smiled sweetly, smile I couldn't ever resist. 

I saw for a second what looked like the ghost of a girl with a knife around Han's neck and blinked fast, knowing it wasn't real. I didn't go away, it just got more vivid. His image kept blinking between reality and him in pain, getting hurt in mortifying ways. It was a gore showso I closed my eyes shut. 

"Last thing you want is for Han to think you're finally crazy, right?" The echo of Palpatine voice overwhelmed me, his words and his voice repeating over and over and over again, each time louder, my hands covering helplessly my ears. I couldn't keep pretending I was ok. 

-Look at me, my prince, it's ok. It's not real... - Han obviously caught up on this, turning me to him. - If you ignore it, it has no power over you. Just breath and focus on what's real, ok..? 

-I'm not crazy.... I swear I'm not crazy... I'm not crazy, Han, I'm not crazy! - I babbled out, scared. 

-No one said you where. Your parents said it, it's normal after what happened yesterday, but please look at me.

-No, I keep seeing you in pain, I don't wanna... 

-Luke, prince, it's ok, I'm just fine, open your eyes... 


-It'll have no power over you if you don't let it... - his voice grew even softer as I raised mine. - Focus on reality, not on them. 

I opened my eyes slowly and they all stopped. His safety was enough for them to leave all. 

-Thank you Han... 

-Now you're safe, see? - He smiled. 

-I'm sorry I screamed at you... 

I kissed him, not just a "thank you", but a desire growing in me. He felt good and safe, he made me feel at ease and calm. I wanted more of it and I also wanted to give him something at all, feel him happy too and know I wasn't selfishly making this relationship all about me. 

He kissed back gladly, softly at first but then pinning me against the wall as the desire grew and taking all he wanted from me, his kisses becoming more and more dominant as I simply submitted to him. 

-Mine. - He groaned against my lips, kissing harder. 

-Yours. All yours. - I gasped in response, searching once again for his skin. 

I loved it and, noticing how desperately he was kissing my lips, so was he, making sure no inch of my lips remained unkissed, his hand expertly feeling around and making me shiver, but we had to stop before we were too driven out by lust. 

-Han... - I whimpered, trapped between his body and the wall. - Han, we need to go... 

-I know... I know, sorry... - He stopped, catching his breath and recolecting himself. 

During breakfast he sat by my side and our legs were practically always touching, not wanting to stand apart from eachother. I felt safer close to him and he had woken up clingy already, so why stop now? 

Despite the adrenalinic beginning, the morning was nice and calm, it was good to see everything that's going on around. I felt a bit caught up by some random allucinations, but they'd go away fast as soon as Han realized I was scared and held my hand in a soothing way, making them go away way faster than if I was all alone. 

-Hey, they are doing Disney karaokes here! We should go! - Leia suggested,exited.

We went inside, seeing two girls sing "For the first time in forever" from Frozen. 

-You should go sing something, kid. - Han said with his snarky tone. 

-Only if you come sing one too. - I teased. 

He did seem to pounder a lot on that, like there where good advantages in hot options. 

-Fine, but only because I love to ear you sing. 

Leia went first, singing "I'll make a men out of you" from Mulan just for laughs. She always loved the movie. 

Lando decided to join along and sing "How bad can I be?", reminding everyone that Lorax in an actual movie and not just a meme. 

I sang one if my all times favorites from series "I'm the bad guy", from Galaxy Wonder. I was a bit glad I did so, as I could notice Han's dazzled face and I live for that facial expression. 

Dad and Obi-Wan decided last minute to join the party and sing "Can you feel the love tonight" from The Lion King just for kicks. 

Han finally had no other choice but to go. He sang "The Bare Necessities" as he's "not that much of a singer". I genuinely like his voice, it's deep and seductive.

Dinner was being very fun actually, acting like a normal family for once. The images on my brain where gone, no one seemed to be in pain... It all had to end unfortunately, right? 


So, what do you think? 

Is Leia doing the right thing? Is Luke going to continue to suffer? What will go wrong now? 

Guess you'll have to wait and see! 

See ya! 

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